Whether you’ve just purchased a brand-new boat or a used boat, you’re probably looking for ways to make the boat feel like your own. One common aspect that boat owners focus on is what to christen their crafts. You don’t want to end up with a name that sounds dated or crass, so here are some helpful naming strategies to give your boat a memorable and appropriate moniker.

What’s the Tradition Behind Boat Names?

For centuries, sailors and ship captains named their vessels for a couple of reasons. One, it was important to be able to distinguish between different ships at a dock, and to know what ships were approaching you on the water. Two, it was a way to bring the voyage good luck. Some people even named their boats after gods and goddesses in the hopes of currying their favor on the water.

Today, a boat’s name is still important for identification purposes, although most people are not as superstitious as they were in the past. It’s also just fun to give your boat a cool and unique name that expresses who you are.

Choose Simplicity

A complicated pun or inside joke might seem like a good idea at the time, but think about telling your family members the boat name, or trying to communicate it to a rescue crew over the radio. Err on the side of simplicity when choosing a boat name. Don’t make it too complex, strange, or inappropriate.

Make it Personal

Selecting the name of a loved one or friend is a common strategy for naming a boat, since it honors that person and shows that you care about them. You could even name your boat after a beloved pet! Some people name their boats after celebrities, cities they’ve been to, or after literary characters. You might find inspiration for a name in a favorite song or movie, too.

Seeking boats for sale near you? Stop by our location in Bracey, VA, to check out our current selection of boats for sale. Poplar Pointe Marine serves our Virginia customers in Richmond and our North Carolina customers in Raleigh.